The Place of the Moon
15 minutes
The same Moon rises everywhere, but, for me, the Moon is part of the US West. It rose over my first house near Logan, Utah; three houses in Tucson, Ar...15 minutes
The same Moon rises everywhere, but, for me, the Moon is part of the US West. It rose over my first house near Logan, Utah; three houses in Tucson, Ar...28 minutes
Late one evening soon after I had arrived in Australia for a sabbatical, I was out strolling with my daughter through a Sydney park, seeking relief Elspeth Oppermann and Daniel Dumas
22 minutes
Critical geographer Elspeth Oppermann worked on the UK–ESRC-funded Cool Infrastructures project, which brought her to the Rachel Carson Center (RCC) Jenny Price
7 minutes
“If You Need to Use the Art” is an alt-institution public art project—or a mockstitution, to use artist Gregory Sholette’s moniker. These projects mim...10 minutes
Language greatly colours the way we perceive life. Words and concepts shape our perception of nature, and not all organisms receive equal Emmanuelle Roth and Gregg Mitman
28 minutes
Faint high-pitched sounds echo up from the cavernous pit into which we peer. At twilight’s edge, the dry season’s intense midday sun has mellowed into...11 minutes
Spring is approaching. The beavers have left a single stick about a meter long across the pond outlet, marking their intentions. “No mud yet, but we a...11 minutes
I grew up by the sea, in the warm south of Portugal, swimming in the ocean and playing in the sand. I didn’t know then that my childhood playground Kate Brown
21 minutes
In 1829, Nathanial Bagshaw Ward, a London doctor, placed the pupa of a sphinx moth, some dirt, and a few leaves in a glass bottle and clamped on a Jessica Lee
15 minutes
On the horizon of the small German village of Neuglobsow, the chimney of the Rheinsberg nuclear power plant rises above the surrounding beech and pine...18 minutes
Wars turn the natural environment into battlefields. In economic wars, regions perceived as rich in resources become contested bounty for powerful pre...15 minutes
Patterns of Desire The relationship of climate to the built environment has been of increasing interest over the past decade. As is generally known, t...