A Dialogue on Form, Knowledge, and Representation
by Gregg Mitman and Rob Nixon
15 minutes
Gregg Mitman: Disciplines impose a certain form and structure on the world. When we see calls for multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdiscip...by Gregg Mitman and Rob Nixon
15 minutes
Gregg Mitman: Disciplines impose a certain form and structure on the world. When we see calls for multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdiscip...21 minutes
In November 2019, as forest fires worked their way south along the Great Dividing Range, I walked for a week in the Australian Alps. The wild granite ...19 minutes
Capitalism and communism have been fighting each other for more than a century and a half, until now the fight seems to have exhausted itself. A third...18 minutes
In the final chapter of Man and Nature, his landmark 1864 study of an earth transformed by human action, George Perkins Marsh looked ahead to a...8 minutes
As I’m about to leave the Landhaus, the Alps are erased from the horizon. The sky is a fierce and brilliant blue, the light piercing, perfect white. O...6 minutes
There is a blue hole in environmental history. It remains a remarkably landlocked discipline, one that largely ignores the seven-tenths of our globe’s...by Lauren LaFauci and Cecilia Åsberg
10 minutes
The genealogy of environmental humanities as a field is difficult to map precisely because the field resists singular or definitive categorization wit...8 minutes
From around the age of 15, I think, I had wanted to be a journalist, and in the pre-Amazon time before print publishing’s great data-driven reckoning ...6 minutes
Ever since the invention of photography in the late nineteenth century, animals, plants, picturesque sites, sublime landscapes, and human interactions...by Lise Sedrez
4 minutes
São Paulo, the largest city in South America, is going through a historical drought. So is California, in the USA. That is how newspapers refer to the...5 minutes
If I did not believe that environmental history is already useful and practical, more so than other fields of historical research, then I would have a...8 minutes
“As Useful as We Want to Be” Environmental or ecological historians do not “need to become more useful and practical” in anything. They sho...