The Neo-Materialist Flip
10 minutes
At the risk of revealing a lack of intellectual growth, my ideas have not changed so much as shifted since this essay came out. Four years later, the ...10 minutes
At the risk of revealing a lack of intellectual growth, my ideas have not changed so much as shifted since this essay came out. Four years later, the ...12 minutes
Potter Stewart, a former Justice of the US Supreme Court, famously said of hard-core pornography that it was hard to define but he knew it when he Jenny Price
42 minutes
Rachel Carson was a visionary. She’s a towering figure in the modern environmental movement. She’s widely considered to be its founding voice, and she...15 minutes
Patterns of Desire The relationship of climate to the built environment has been of increasing interest over the past decade. As is generally known, Gregg Mitman and Rob Nixon
15 minutes
Gregg Mitman: Disciplines impose a certain form and structure on the world. When we see calls for multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdiscip...7 minutes
I grew up in a country that does not exist anymore—East Germany or the GDR. Perhaps this partially explains my interest in Eastern Europe and its envi...6 minutes
There is a blue hole in environmental history. It remains a remarkably landlocked discipline, one that largely ignores the seven-tenths of our globe’s...15 minutes
From the top of Mount Trio, the Stirling Range National Park appears covered in khaki velvet, a little threadbare in parts, but soft in the folds. Rob Nixon
13 minutes
I grew up in South Africa, our planet’s most inequitable society, and immigrated to the USA, the rich world’s most unequal one, a country in which 400...13 minutes
At the heart of the sustainable food movement are a series of dichotomies: local/global, organic/conventional, slow/fast, artisanal/industrial. These Katie Ritson
6 minutes
Part of the RCC Perspectives issue “Beyond Doom and Gloom: An Exploration through Letters,” this is a fictional letter addressed to RCC fellow Frank Zelko
11 minutes
I am an environmental historian by training, and a good slice of my research involves examining the intellectual and cultural history of environmental...