The Neo-Materialist Flip
by Timothy J. LeCain and Christopher Steil
10 minutes
At the risk of revealing a lack of intellectual growth, my ideas have not changed so much as shifted since this essay came out. Four years later, the Timothy J. LeCain and Christopher Steil
10 minutes
At the risk of revealing a lack of intellectual growth, my ideas have not changed so much as shifted since this essay came out. Four years later, the Jenny Price
7 minutes
“If You Need to Use the Art” is an alt-institution public art project—or a mockstitution, to use artist Gregory Sholette’s moniker. These projects Jenny Price
42 minutes
Rachel Carson was a visionary. She’s a towering figure in the modern environmental movement. She’s widely considered to be its founding voice, and Gregg Mitman and Rob Nixon
15 minutes
Gregg Mitman: Disciplines impose a certain form and structure on the world. When we see calls for multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdiscip...18 minutes
In the final chapter of Man and Nature, his landmark 1864 study of an earth transformed by human action, George Perkins Marsh looked ahead to a...8 minutes
As I’m about to leave the Landhaus, the Alps are erased from the horizon. The sky is a fierce and brilliant blue, the light piercing, perfect white. Lauren LaFauci and Cecilia Åsberg
10 minutes
The genealogy of environmental humanities as a field is difficult to map precisely because the field resists singular or definitive categorization wit...