Originally published in Seeing the Woods,

24 August 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Under Another Sky


Film poster of Under Another Sky.

The Indian village of Piplantri celebrates the birth of every newborn girl by planting 111 trees. In her film, Under Another Sky, RCC alumna Vidya Sarveswaren tells the story of the village, which has so far planted a quarter of a million trees over the last six years.

The film is situated at the confluence of environment, ecology, mining, gender, education, and self-reliance. It demonstrates how one village, under the leadership of Mr Shyam Sudar Paliwal, has used the marble mined landscape surrounding the village as a palimpsest to rewrite its history in an attempt to heal, nurture, and reconnect with the earth.

The film addresses the ecological transformation of the village, with voices moving from the personal to the planetary. Collective initiatives, local community building resilience, and women’s empowerment are valued along with ecology, as the village takes on the challenge of turning the semi-arid landscape into a forest of green, at the same time as supporting economic and educational opportunities for the women and girls of the village.

Under Another Sky is a story of a remote Indian village in the state of Rajasthan that strives selflessly towards sustainability and stewardship, driven by a deep passion to preserve our planet.

Under Another Sky was made possible by a Seed Grant from the Indian Institute of Technology (Jodhpur) and a Public Outreach Grant from the Rachel Carson Center.

Originally published as:
Sarveswaren, Vidya. “Under Another Sky.” Seeing the Woods (blog), 24 August 2020. View it here.

Vidya Sarveswaran is associate professor of English at IIT Jodhpur, India. She was a Fulbright Fellow from 2008 to 2009 and a Carson Fellow in 2016. Her research and teaching has focused on the environmental humanities, environment and culture, the blue humanities, and ecocriticism, as well as literary studies in general. An avid reader, Vidya enjoys scripting documentaries, clicking street scapes, cycling into a headwind, watching films, and listening to anything from Abba to Ariana Grande.

Creative Commons LicenseCC BY 4.0

2020 Vidya Sarveswaran
This refers only to the text and does not include any image rights.

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